V is for Voodoo Oil Roll-On

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V is for Voodoo Oil Roll-On


V is For Voodoo products are:

* Plant Based and All-natural * Fragranced exclusively with 100% essential oil blends * Sustainably manufactured and packaged * Cruelty free * Handcrafted in the USA *

V is For Voodoo products are free of:

* Harsh Chemicals * Parabens, phthalates, and SLS’s * GMO’s *Palm Oil * Gluten

Designed and crafted by a certified professional aromatherapist and LMT.

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V for Voodoo

Damballah (Purity), Papa Legba (Clarity), Baron Samedi (Invigorate), Simbi Anpaka (Protect), Erzulie Freda (Pamper), Marie Laveau (Uplift), Maman Brigitte (Comfort), Yemaya (Nurture)

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